EVERTECH provides secure storage of your data - Evertech

Today, data is stored on physical servers, desktops or laptops, virtual machines, and in the «cloud». The volume of stored data is constantly growing and the storage structure becomes more complicated. Progress in data protection has also accelerated and over the past few years data protection methods have leaped forward.
Acronis software allows you to store information reliably from various environments, counteract various cyber threats and sets new standards for backup, disaster recovery and file synchronization security, as well as sharing solutions.
The architect of EVERTECH ІТ-solutions Dmitry Ruhlyada was trained and was one of the first in Ukraine to become a certified Acronis engineer, having mastered all the functional capabilities of Acronis BackUp and Acronis BackUp Cloud products.
Acronis сertification gave EVERTECH the opportunity to offer customers a backup of the new generation, including in the “cloud” – installing and configuring Acronis software solutions for corporate use, providing multi-level multi-user backup services using Acronis software as the basis for solutions.